Australia’s ever changing and harsh weather conditions mean that communities and asset managers must prepare for floods. PMA has partnered with HydroResponse to bring GeoDesign’s industrial strength flood barriers to Australia.
How Do Flood Barriers Work?
Using triangular strength, the GeoDesign Barrier system is securely anchored to the ground by the weight of the water.
The system is temporary, and can be stored until a flood event occurs, when it can be rapidly deployed. The barrier consists of aluminium plating supported by triangular brackets. The plating is covered with a membrane that creates a watertight seal.
• Easy To Store • Fast to Deploy • Tested for Stability and durability
Why Flood Barriers?
GeoDesign Flood Barrier system is heavy duty, extendable and allows for maximum flexibility. The product is designed by a company with more than 25 years in the field and the Flood Barrier has been tried and proven in Australian conditions. The variable length system allows councils and asset owners to protect areas of any size to a depth of 2.4 metres without having to build any supporting infrastructure.
*Other sizes also available – please contact us for further details.
Emergency Services
Emergency Services, and military use this design of flood barrier in applications all over the world. The barrier has been tested by US Army engineers.
Local Councils have significant responsibilities and areas to protect during flood events. Installing flood barriers to protect critical areas of towns can drastically reduce the impact that a flood can cause. Using a temporary installation like the Flood Barrier can also delay or remove the need for permanent infrastructure which can be costly.
Asset Managers
Flood Barriers can assist with protecting major assets like treatment plants and other infrastructure during a flood. This can save costs in repairing the infrastructure, and ensure that it continues to operate during the flood, or be reinstated quickly after the disaster.
Contact PMA for your Flood Barrier Requirements
Pipe Management Australia has a proven track record in the installation of Flood Barriers and is ready to assist your team. To protect your assets and infrastructure during the next flood event, contact Pipe Management Australia.